Saturday, June 25, 2011

I dont' want a doctor

A very large amount of people are saying that he should have taken me to a doctor, whether I want to go to one or not.
Am I not a human anymore because I have lost parts of my memory? Do I not have rights to make my own decisions?

All this jabber about me being wrong is merely opinion.
I know I do not have a tumour because I have had this problem before, it's my body's way of surviving the stress of life. 

Doctor's have misdiagnosed me my whole life just to make money, I don't trust the health field in Canada, I sure don't trust it in America.
If I do have a tumour, then so be it....I have longer to live now then after they cut on my brain.

If I am meant to remember the last 3 year's of my life I will. My body will heal itself, If it does not then that's how it is.. I'm not scared of it.
If I'm going to die, then at least I die a happy, free and loved human being.

I'm an so happy I am with Greg because I know that when I get old, and my memory completely goes he won't just put me in a home and expect people who don't know anything about me except for my health card number to take care of me, He love's me and has proved to me he is willing to take care of me, as I will him.

And to the arrogant youtube prick who made a video about this, I'm so glad I'm with someone who is nothing like you, Back the fuck off. 
You know nothing about me, and YOU sir are the one who is a poor excuse for a human being.

Please everyone calm down, keep your negativity to yourself, I have made my decision and I stand by it.

Thank you.


  1. Im proud of you, have strong you are! and im totaly agreed, about docters! you can't trust them!

  2. I agree with you Shiloh, you and Greg are doing the best thing. (:

    Keep fighting! I'll pray for you!

    Love <3

  3. I support you and greg! I was so frightened by what happened :S I hope you'll get better soon... I love you both <3

  4. I support you all the way and I just hope you continue to recover!

  5. :D Shiloh, I'm at your side :D
    so maybe if it would help you wrote in a diary for it probably will happen again.
    Just a tip. It's up to you if you want to <3
    Greg and you are one of the best internet couples evar :3
    I love you too :D

  6. Oh Shiloh, I send my love too you all the way from Sweden. We adore you, support you and are worried about you. Continue to be as strong as you are.

  7. I've had similar problems with doctors before; my whole family has. I've even had problems with vets (spending in excess of 300$ to help a choking cat). But I also work with nurses and doctors who truly care about their patients. I know a 57 yr old CNA who gives up almost 40 hours of their time beyond their full time job to keep a facility running and to care for her patients.

    I wish you had had some of the good experiences I have had in the medical field, but I get whole heartedly why you don't want to go.

    I hope this is something more mental than physical like I fear and I hope you keeping healing! Be safe!

    Also, to the one who said that you should be forced to the hospital, there's something called Resident Rights that we employees of Heritage have to know: and that includes the right to refuse medication and treatment, even when they suffer from such illnesses as Alzheimers and Dementia.


    Bye hun :3

  8. I am with you and I, too, think Greg made the right decision in not hauling you off to a hospital/doctor.

  9. Hi!...well, i have posted a coment on the Onision Video and, i said "Take her to a Dr" But now i understand it, you have the decision and this can be very terrifying for you.

    Stay peacefull as you can and in this state of mind your memories will come back easily, hugs!!

  10. You're so strong willed Shiloh, I believe that you'll make it through all these turmoils. Greg's a great guy, and you and him will care for each other until the end of time. I hope you have a swift recovery of your memories. Live & love in happiness, that's all that matters.

  11. Good for you for standing up to all the bullies out there or should I say "sheeple" who believe anything the media tells them including the fact that they must go to a doctor if they even have the slightest thing wrong with them. I myself have lost all trust in doctors after having had three spinal fusion surgeries each of which was botched because of doctors mistakes. Its good to see you are doing a bit better and I hope you continue to progress and recover your past memories. Much love and support! <3

  12. Good for you, Shiloh. I hope you get better soon. There are a lot of people worried about you.

    Lots of love.

  13. I love you Shiloh, your a wonderful person, ignore everyone being ignorant morons. You and Greg are so good at heart. This experience scared me at first, but then, when I realized you still felt love for Greg, I was calm. Because- in the long run, isn't that all that matters?

  14. you're not going to a doctor because they'll find out you're a fake

  15. Here's a great video someone made about you and your situation. You should all check it out. It pretty much exposes Onision and this chick for the pieces of trash that they are.

  16. I can't believe the circle-jerk on the subject of "YEAH, DON'T GO SEE A DOCTOR!!" It's fucking pathetic. None of you know anything about doctors. You're looking at them like they're ACTUALLY experimenting on you, when in reality they want to fix your fucking medical condition. I'm sorry that you've brainwashed yourself into thinking that avoiding help is the right thing, and will somehow heal the damaged parts of your brain. It's like when some battered and abused woman says, "Oh no, he loves me, I don't need to go to a shelter house, I'm just going to go back to him, because I trust him." "Him" of course, is "avoiding medical help," which by the way, is just sad.

    Oh, and in regards do your comment "I can take of him better than doctors, or an ambulance": No you can't, you're fucking delusional. Go ahead and verify that for me by getting him hit by a truck, I'll be more than happy to see you piece his legs back together and properly mend the wounds after her's torn in two by a Semi.
    I don't know where you get this disgusting ideas that doctors are evil people who want to hurt you and make you a "lab rat," but it's stupid and childish.

    Believe me, I feel for you, I'd be fucking terrified in your position, but I'm not going to blindly worship your ignorant decision to avoid actual help like everyone else is doing. I'll give you some real advice:
    Stop acting like you have any real logic behind avoiding a doctor other than conspiracy-theory founded paranoia that "THEY'S OUT TO GET ME!" and go see a doctor. You're only making the situation worse than it already is.

    Oh, and I hope that last paragraph isn't talking about TJ. He's smarter than either of you for suggesting you go to a doctor.

    I don't care if you "don't want to hear the negative." If all you want to do is stay ignorant to reality, then fine, die ignorant in another mental universe entirely. But if you feel like coming off as more than a petty child, then listen to the people telling you to get help.

    Be an adult.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think most people were just concerned for you. so I don't think you should be telling them to fuck themselves, rather just be like "Thank you for your concern but its my life and I will do what I want! :)"

    Even though I still think your decision is wrong. I have no power over you, none of us do. all we can do is tell you what we think is best and why we think it's best.

    I wish you the best <3

    *sorry, repost: I had typos lol xD*

  19. You have a right to say no D:< It is your live and you have control! xD I hope you get better D: I'm sure Greg will care for you well D: He is a nice guy! <33
    Lots of love
    ~Amelia Loveless

  20. you have the right not to go there....but they could find the problem and you dont need to take drugs be in the cage etc.

  21. I understand corrupt and greedy doctors exist, and the system itself is far from flawless, but you're acting as if going to see one guarantees your chances of survival or happiness will get worse and everyone there will be scheming over how to drain you for the most amount of cash possible. That is ridiculous. You are delusional if you think this. Doctors do save lives willingly, and many of them care deeply about what they do. After something like that happens to your brain, you can't say with any certainty that you are indeed in a position to judge and make decisions for yourself. Greg is ignorant about a lot of things, as he himself has stated in his videos before. His opinions on doctors don't matter. Neither do yours at the moment, especially considering how objectively wrong you are about them.

  22. You need to see a doctor. Yes some doctors are quacks but not all of them are. There are good doctors out there and you need to give them a chance. What's happening to you, it's not healthy, and it's dangerous, and your boyfriend is being very selfish and abusive by not taking you to a doctor and instead is filming you and placing the video on Youtube. He's exploiting you and you can't let him do that to you. For your own sake. Get yourself to a doctor. Playing with your life, it's not smart. It's dangerous. You may not want to go, no one really likes doctors, but you have to go. If not for yourself, do it at least so you can have a few more years with Greg and your family.

  23. You know what? I agree. At first I really cared and I begged and pleaded for you two to listen to reason. Greg should especially feel bad seeing as how he's the one of sound mind at this period of time. That being said, at this point you're practically begging the universe to hand you a Darwin award and I say why bother to hold you back anymore? Some people are just too dumb to live. Recently a man had set up an arena in order to fight a lion with his bare hands. You are the man in this instance and your medical condition is the lion. It's arrogant to think you can come out of this all hunky dory, it’s equally inane, exasperating and incredibly sad. I don't know how to make this anymore clear. I hope your baseless tinfoil hat conspiracy theory bullshit is worth slowly dying for.

    Youtube is great for surrounding yourself with yes-men though.If you just want people to parrot your ignorant ideas to you you've come to the right place!

  24. It sounds like you know what is going on with your condition & people were confused as to whether this is a random event. People just care & want best possible outcome. There are many many things I don't like about the medical system, but I am my own biggest advocate, and I trust my husband's judgement to take me to the hospital. Today we got to experience this first hand when I suffered my first anaphylactic experience. Glad I chose ER, because a few minutes later I could have been unconscious. I have been over medicated many times and I understand what your saying, but I feel like I am strong & not afraid to tell them NO. Hang in there ps. if you're not married yet, it might be smart to get the paperwork for power of atty so he can be with you in a hospital situation. Much love. Be well. <3

  25. I don't see where you get these rediculous ideas that all doctors are out to get you and are only after your money. Sure, they want money, but that doesn't mean they don't care about getting you better. Not all doctors are like that, sure, there a few bad apples in the bunch, but big fucking reality check, no system is perfect.
    Telling yourself that you'd rather die with a brain tumor than at least get a check up to see if that's even what it is than you are FUCKING insane! I've had several major surgeries that all saved my life or at least made it better, and I have never had a bad experience with a doctor, or ever felt like I was a lab rat.
    If you find yourself in a position in a hospital where you are not comfortable with what they are doing, then you can tell them to stop. Nobody there will force you to do anything you don't want to.
    And if there is a tumor in there, then you have really no idea how much your life expectancy can increase if that tumor is removed safely. I haven't even heard of someone having a brain tumor removed and their life expectancy decreasing UNLESS it was in a position where a doctor couldn't remove it properly.
    Also, I find it funny how you mentioned TJ in the last few paragraphs. At least a guy like him would be concerned for your well being.

  26. You are a dumb cunt. If you die, GOOD. That means your idiotic genes won't spread.

  27. I love when my comment gets removed, shows the exact mentality of Onision. If you want to die, so be it, a common doctor CANT do anything because you have a SPECIAL problem. The common doctor isnt equipped with the years of dedicated experience of mental health issues. Its called common sense to know this. Like I said in my last post: Go, Find, A, Doctor, That, Works, In, The, Field, Of, Your, Problem. If you don't want to listen, thats not my problem, if your memory is completely gone, nobody is going to care except for you. You cant put everything onto your husband, right now he says he would take care of you, that isnt going to always happen.

    And if you do lose your mind, you wouldnt care either way, you'd be practicly mentally dead. Or any mental state could happen, you could be stuck with the fear of spiders or ANYTHING for the rest of your life. It wouldnt matter if your husband was there for you or not, and having to put somebody through a life of having to take care of you is pretty self centered when you know there is a solution, but are too afraid to go after it. What matters, is that you have ONE life, putting phobia's and excuses every direction is only going to make things worse. Like I said, Mayo Clinic.

    Is the fear of YTK or the development of technology more important?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi Shiloh I'm glad to hear that you are doing somewhat better now and hope you regain all of your memory. I really think you should go to a doctor and get yourself cheacked out though. I understand that you don't want to be poked and prodded and treated as if you some kind of lab rat. But not all doctors are like that, infact most aren't. I get that your probably scared shitless and just want things to go back to normal, but this is really serious.

    From watching your video I assume you don't actually know why this is happening to you. You only know that it's happening and your trying to deal with it. But the why is important and the only way your going to find out for a fact why this is happening, is if you seek help. What if one day this happens again and you loose your entire life and it doesn't come back? What if this is just a side effect of a more fatal condition? Shiloh what if it kills you? I know Greg is trying his hardest to support your wishes but if either of these things happen it would destroy him and probably leave him guilt ridden while asking himself "what if I had done this or that" would you really want to put him through that.

    I'm going to stop now because I don't want you to feel like I'm guilting you into anything. I just think that to be on the safe side you should go and get a better understanding of what is going on.

  30. I hope you get this and read this. Because to tell you the truth this whole thing is hitting me pretty hard. I watched all of you videos of you ranting about things that bother you and videos of just the way you would think of things and the world. & I looked up to you. You're so funny and gorgeous and your singing voice is just so amazing. I look forward to watching you and gregs videos. When I found out about your incident with your memory loss, I was watching the videos and saw the blogs and I couldn't stop crying. Because I feel so bad. I would have no idea what I would do in your situation. I would be so scared. But you are so lucky because you have Greg. He knows what to do to help you and he respects your opinion on going to the doctor or not going to the doctor. Your so lucky to have a guy that will be there for you through everything. With how much people throw the word love around so much and how much relationships just aren't shit to anyone anymore, you guys give me hope with finding TRUE love. I sincerely hope and pray that your memories come back and you end up getting better. My prayers go out to you two.
    Oh, also I feel bad because people will spend their time going through your blog and videos just to bash on you and Gregs decision making. I think it's sad that people are doing that, considering that fact that people know you don't like stress at all.
    I totally support the way you guys are doing things. I would want to do it the same way. :) <3

  31. From what I've read and heard so far, it appears to me that you have decided not to go to a hospital for no concrete reason, and then tried to rationalize it. You're trying to make yourself feel better about your self-destructive decision by telling yourself that doctors are evil and that you'll live happier if you surrender to your condition.

    You're wrong. Doctors DO heal people (and get paid for it). Also, the human body can't heal itself from non-trivial illnesses, such as yours. You will stay like that and you won't die happy, you'll die lost and confused (not to mention prematurely). And lastly, your excuse for a boyfriend won't be helping you. He isn't even doing it now.

  32. in my opinion, if you have had memory loss before, and this is the worst you've had it, then it is likely to continue to get worse.

    you very possibly could lose more than 3 years of memory in the future.

    its not about seeing a doctor, its about knowing what's wrong in your brain, and if its fixable. its about knowing what your future may hold.

    how would you feel if later on you find out that you are dieing from something that was completely preventable if you had acted now?

    also, doctors cant just poke chemicals into you, they cant do anything without your consent, its the law.

  33. Please everyone check the new Draculoh Fundraising channel let's go and donate so that our Shiloh can be tested, a few dollars can really make a change.

  34. I agree that it is ultimately your decision, Shiloh, but I think you're being very narrow-minded about doctors and the service they provide. Yes, there are money-hungry doctors who just give medicines to get money, but those aren't all doctors. I spent five years in the hospital, and at the time I felt like a huge fucking guinea pig. I was also too young to be able to enforce my desperate desire to be free and just die, so I was miserable, and for so long I wished to go to sleep and never wake up. It feels like a long time, but after the five years, I realized that I was given so much more time to live. I got to meet people who I probably would not have gotten to meet, who changed my life. My experiences in the hospital, as well as the people in my life now, have shaped who I am. And I am happy, I really am. And I know that I wasn't a guinea pig, Shiloh, like I thought I was at the time. I was unhappy, so I made my stay feel more horrible than it really was. Good doctors just want to help you, and they just want to find the right treatment to make you better. And good doctors exist, I have met them and they have saved my life more than once, more than twice.
    So yes, it is your decision, but you have to consider both sides. This can't be just stress-related, or more people would have this issue. Hell, I have more stress problems than a lot of people I know, and I don't forget hours, days, years of my life. I don't think Greg is stupid for what he chose to do while you lost control for awhile, and I don't think that you are stupid for your decision. I think you guys are scared, and I think you are basing your decision only on your past experiences and not with established facts about your physical condition. You have to keep looking, because the right doctor and the right treatment is out there, and it cannot be far.

  35. Shiloh, please take this as constructive criticism about how you can handle this situation a little better. From an outsider's point of view, it would probably be better to take a more assertive approach about not seeing a doctor than the aggressive one you and Greg appear to be taking.

    Basically at the moment you're saying "I don't want a doctor, stop criticising us, eff off". A more assertive way to do this would be; "Thanks for your concern, but I do not want to go for a doctor for my own reasons, that's my choice, now can we please begin to move on?". People will always say 'go see a doctor', but don't react to those comments, make it clear in a video that while you are thankful for the concern and well-wishings, you have a choice and you want to start moving in from that, and don't mention not wanting to see a doctor again, sure, give little updates and other little information as you see fit, but make that video final.

    That's how I would probably handle this whole thing if I were in your situation and did not want to see a doctor (even though I personally would, but that's me). Anyway, please don't take any of that personally, just my outsider's point of view on how this whole thing can be handled better (especially because you already seem to have a lot of stress in your life). Hope all get;s better for you soon, Shiloh. :)

  36. IS this real or a joke? Is seriously Shiloh now making fan art of herself and selling it through youtube WTF?

  37. Listen, your life is at risk. I don't really care if you think doctors are evil and will make you a labrat or anything. What they will do, is most likely take an MRI and from there determine the problem. They will then explain the situation to you, give you options of what can be done, and allow you to choose what you believe is the best option. None of what they will do to you will be without your consent. However if you do not go to a doctor the problem will continue to persist, and quite possibly lead to death. It may be your choice but if you want to live then go to a doctor, get your head checked out, and likely save your life.

  38. Medical industry is bull, I don't think they are trying to make money by diagnosing you with something because they're STUPID and don't care about what stress does to you, I know it does, kills brain cells, if this is how it works then this is how, if you do have something wrong, it is your choice, and good of your boyfriend to support you in it.
